Selling at a profit

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Selling at a profit

The, some say, ‘original’ eCommerce site has seen profits grow to over £37M in the three months to June this year - this is an increase of 35% from the previous year.

It’s not only the results that are big – the Amazon share price shot up 11% after the announcement of the results yesterday and perhaps providing a good source of revenue was the two million pre-orders that they took for the final Harry Potter tome.

I think what this demonstrates is that internet retail has really now come of age, and that some (only some!) of those that crawled out the sea at the time of dotcom madness are now very viable businesses.

Amazon only hit profit for the first time in the last three months of 2001… and to give you some context it made a loss of over half a billion dollars ($545m) the year before. Not bad for a company that had been in the red since 1995 - now that’s a long term investment…

1 comment:

Rhys Wynne said...

Amazon only hit profit for the first time in the last three months of 2001…

Wow, I wonder what the combined loss has been over the last 12 years then!

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