BBC iPlayer launches

Saturday, 28 July 2007

BBC iPlayer launches

A little bit later than planned, but still very much anticipated, the BBC launches it's iPlayer in beta form (sign up for iPlayer beta trial here). It's not yet available for Mac or Windows Vista, though it will be shortly. Anyhow, it's an online media player that allows you to catch up on BBC TV shows online up to 7 days after broadcast (as long as you're in the UK)

Will it change the viewing habits of the UK? Will we all hover round our computers to watch TV? Who knows. With services like Sky Plus and Virgin Media Plus+ and the option of recording and storing TV shows on your media ready PC the iPlayer doesn't seem to offer much more than is already available elsewhere.

The real excitement is around how readily will iPlayer allow traditional TV and interactive services to fully converge...imagine watching a historical TV dram and then simultaneously looking up info on the period in question or watching a murder mystery while reading the backs stories of each of the characters so that you have that extra insight into the drama. We don't know which way this will all go, though we have a few ideas, but we'll keep an eye out and report back as things develop.

1 comment:

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