Keen as mustard (in your eye)

Monday, 25 June 2007

Keen as mustard (in your eye)

Mr Keen caused me to shout at the radio whilst driving in to work this morning. He’s on the circuit promoting his new book ‘The cult of the amateur’ in which he shares his thoughts that “Today’s internet is killing our culture”.

Did desktop publishing kill off design houses, FrontPage web agencies or video kill the radio (star)? Does the fact that I’ve a digital camera mean I’m as good as David Bailey or the fact that I’m able to write this here imply that I’m on a level-pegging with Jon Simpson, Jon Ronson or John Humphrys?

No, of course not. If anything it makes the 'Profession’ raise their game and like all other new channels that present themselves - the professional will need to evolve or die.

I’ve got to go now as I need to make a posting on Trip Advisor. I’m sure Paul Theroux is quaking in his career.


Dr. Mark L. Woods said...

Keen is wrong, but his media-savvy at hitting on a hot topic is keen (sorry, couldn't resist).

He's getting press by being outrageous, not unlike rock stars and super models, without mentioning any names . . .

John Gilheaney said...

Mr Keen's argument sounds provocative but fragile to me.

To my mind the Internet is a personal liberator which makes cultures across the world more accessible.

And I'd rather unrestrained, free "amateurism" than the dross that passes for comment amongst certain newspaper columnists.

Take Blog Cymru, what a fine, diverse array of voices and what access it gives to everyone! It's far more entertaining, anarchic ans surprising than any other Welsh media outlet I can think of. It's a daily delight.

Although I'd like to hear more of Mr Keen's argument I won't be buying the book - I think you hit the nail on the head with your entry.

Best wishes


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