Intranet envy

Monday, 4 June 2007

Intranet envy

"Intranet" is one of those terms that's bandied around fairly liberally, with no clear definition: some companies are blogging, twittering, collaborating, sharing documents, best practice and who knows what else; others make do with a shared directory on a network drive. The trouble is, unlike with web sites, they're always behind firewalls, so you can never tell what features people really have, and more importantly really use. It's all too easy to feel your organisation might be falling behind.

So it's with relief that I read the folks at Intranet Dashboard have done a survey to gauge the real state of the market, and it's a lot more conserative than you might have thought:

Blogs were not the only social networking tool that was generally shunned, however. Only 31 percent had included discussion forums, and 26 percent plan on adding them. RSS feeds, podcasting and wikis were not even on the map — nobody offered them.

Download the full survey here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any ideas for the Welsh Blog Awards 2007?

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